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This One
Written by: Butch Evans(Click the name to send email to the author)

This One who said "Let there be light". . . And there was light . . .
He is the Creator.
This One who gave David the confidence to face a giant that defied an army. . .
He is the Strengthener.
This One who comforted a mourning Mary returning from an empty tomb . . .
He is the Comforter.
This One who rides a White Horse in Judgment of a sinful world . . .
He is the Judge.
This One who ordered the storms to "Be Still". . . And they were still . . .
He is the Master of the weather.
This One who was a pillar of cloud in the day, and a pillar of fire at night for a nation in need of guidance. . .
He is the Leader.
This One who was the object of the songs of the prisoners, Paul and Silas . . .
He is worthy of praise.
This One who commanded that his dead friend "Come forth". . . And he did. . .
He is the victor over death.
This One who told a sinful woman at the well she was forgiven. . .
He is the forgiver.
This One who fed five thousand with a small boy's lunch. . .
He is the provider.
This One who said, "Bring the children to me". . .
He is humble.
This One who prayed, "Not my will, but thine". . .
He is the intercessor.
This One who freed a nation from Egyptian captivity . . .
He is the liberator.

This SAME One, left His home in Glory, to be born and live as a man. . .
This same One, died at the hands of the same enemies he came to save. . .
This same One rose again, victorious over death . . .
This same One returned to heaven with the promise to return to gather His own . . .

He is the Savior.

This One, is called Jesus.

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