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Love Unrequited
Written by: Butch Evans(Click the name to send email to the author)
Written on: 2014-09-12

Just a baby girl needing food and to be held tight.
Unloving arms shook her and frightened her in the night.
The baby girl was unaware the reasons why and she didn't care.
She wanted only to be released from the horror of her nightmare.
She loved the big people and some of them were delighted
But the one called "Mom" left her love unrequited.

Later in life, the girl had grown quite a bit and reached her teens.
The other girls saw only her tattered clothes and they were quite mean.
She was a friendly type but she was not appreciated at home,
Almost as bad, the kids at her school made her feel she was all alone.
But the boys that were there would touch her, but it made her feel slighted.
They never stayed after getting what they wanted and her love was unrequited.

After high school, she met a young man, not like the other boys.
He didn't touch her or hit her and treat her like a broken Christmas toy.
He called her "Princess" and his hugs made her feel safe and warm.
She wanted to love, but it was hard to do and her heart felt torn.
He continued to treat her kindly and when he saw her, he felt excited,
But she didn't understand real love and this boy's love was unrequited.

Some time later she heard a preacher talk about sin and repreive.
She wasn't sure what to think, but she listened and began to believe.
She wanted so badly to feel what this preacher was calling love.
She felt the Spirit of God move in her heart and it fit like a glove.
She listened as the preacher read from Psalm 136. Reading, the preacher recited:
"His love endures forever." But she feared that her love would still be unrequited.

She gave her heart and her life to God that day and she didn't regret,
Because she felt the love of God renewed each day, she couldn't forget.
She was a new creation in more ways than just what people could see.
She could not understand it all or comprehend just how it could be.
That a woman like her was worthy of the feelings that this love ignited.
FINALLY, she knew love the way it was meant to be. Her love for God was fully requited.

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