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Twas the Night Before Christmas
Written by: Butch Evans(Click the name to send email to the author)
Written on: 1999-09-11

Twas the very first Christmas, in Bethlem, Judea
The scene of Christ's coming, God's wondrous idea.
The people were coming, the inns quickly filled.
They'd come to be taxed, as Caeser had willed.

Joseph and Mary, she great with child, were there.
They searched for a room, but could find one nowhere.
One kind innkeeper, offering all he was able,
allowed them to sleep, on the hay in his stable.
Toward midnight a new baby's cry could be heard.
A lowly manger a crib, for Jesus, God's Word.
Away on a hillside, none would have guessed.
In a world torn by sin, The Word was made flesh.

The shepherds watching o'er their flocks in the night,
Were first to hear news of this wonderful light.
For, what to their wondering eyes should appear,
but Angels, proclaiming Divinity near.
"Glory to God in the highest" was their song.
The Christ had come for sin and wrong.
Thus, like great eagles, they sang as they flew,
Of Jesus, a baby, yet Savior, too-
"He's Savior, counselor,
Prince and King!
Mighty God, Emmanuel!
The Christ,
He's Lord of all!"
At the top of their voices,
Singing praise to the Lord,
"Now Praise Him! Praise Him!
Praise Him all!"

Three Magi from the East had traveled afar,
To worship a King, they'd been led by a star.
Frankincense, myrrh and gold, so finely wrought,
Unto Lord Jesus were worshipfully brought.

Christ was worshiped by these and other men.
His life was perfect, lived without sin.
His death, violent and painful, his enemies had composed.
"This is the end," Jesus friends had supposed.
Three days later, in the very early morn,
The stone rolled away, his death clothes, torn.
Just as at his birth, announced by Angels so fair,
Jesus mother and Mary were told "Look, he's not there!
Rejoice, for He's alive! Please, Despair not!
Your debt's been paid, your salvation's bought."
He was to return to Heaven, he'd left it for me.
The next time we'd see him, would be in His Glory.

As he rose to the sky, surrounded by angels, so bright,
He was heard to exclaim, ere he rose out of sight,

Happy Christmas to all and to all eternal life!!

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