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Conversations with my God
Written by: Butch Evans(Click the name to send email to the author)
Written on: 2014-08-18

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened," this is your call to me. (Matthew 11:28)
"I hurt and I'm can't bear this burden all on my own! Is this some kind of test?"
"My child," You say to me, "Come to me and I will give you rest."
"Thank you, Lord Jesus," is my reply, "Thank you for setting me free!"

"Do not let your hearts be troubled," You said when you were here. (John 14:1)
"I feel lost, my Lord. It's too hard to live in this sinful world that I see!"
"My child," You said once again, "I'm preparing a place for you to be with me."
"Thank you, Lord Jesus," is my reply, "Thank you for calming my fear!"

"In this world you will have trouble," You said and I know it for sure! (John 16:33)
"I'm in trouble right now, Lord! How can I bear this trouble on every hand?"
"Take heart! I have overcome the world." This promise helps me to understand.
"Thank you, Lord Jesus," is my reply, "Thank you for being a conquering Savior!"

"My accusers stand all around me, Lord. They are right, my sin condemns me to shame!" (John 8:2-11)
"Though I try to live the life you've called me to, I can't do it. I fail every time!"
"Where are the accusers before me?" You ask. "I do not condemn you. Go and leave sin behind!"
"Thank you, Lord Jesus," is my reply, "Thank you for your forgiveness! Thank you for your grace!"

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