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Remember When...
Written by: Butch Evans
Written on: 2012-12-20

Young and in love is where I was back then
I said "I DO" and meant it with all my heart.
It was the plain truth, when I said "'til death do us part."
It's good to look back and just "remember when..."

A few years later, we'd struggled to make it this far.
But we have a baby on the way and our love will expand.
Now we are more than we were, not just me 'n you holding hands.
It's pure joy to recall the blessings God imparts.

The kids are gone now, and bringing back kids of their own.
"Granny!" and "PawPaw!" Joyous grandkids shout as they come.
I could never have imagined how much I could love since we became "one".
Together we've experienced this awesome love God has shown.

After years gone by, you've gone to where I cannot go.
We are separated by death, my heart tattered and torn.
I have our memories together. This will have to keep me warm.
You're experiencing God in a way that, on earth, we'll never know.

My love, I am anxious to see you again.
I miss you more than I will ever be able to say.
God brings His loving presence to me, each and every day.
Until I see you again, I'll just have to "remember when..."

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